ISIA Firenze

The Institute, founded in 1975 with the aim of training new generations of professional designers, is a research-focused university, whose activity has always been aimed at formal, technological and social innovation.
For over forty years, ISIA Florence has been preparing its students to become designers capable of formulating avant-garde, sustainable projects with innovative design solutions in multiple fields.
ISIA Florence has developed relations with leading Italian and international companies in the design and communication fields and with prestigious training bodies and institutions, succeeding in training some of the most famous designers over the years.
In particular, the collaboration between ISIA Florence, the L. Cherubini Conservatory of Music in Florence and the Academy of Fine Arts in Florence has recently led to the creation of the Florence Polytechnic of Arts and Design, a pole that unites the three different Florentine AFAM institutes and proposes an entirely new interdisciplinary training model on the national creative and artistic scene.
Alessandra Mezzabarba
Relatore: Simone Paternich, Correlatrice esterna: Ing. Viviana Paolini
Corso di Design Strategico del Biennio Specialistico di ISIA Firenze in ordine alfabetico: Luisa Balestri, Arianna Bechmann, Emma Carpignani, Annachiara De Marco, Ludovico D’Oro, Sara Gervasi, Raffaele Marra, Eleonora Marsiglia, Ludovica Ottaviani, Marta Panzarin, Arianna Pinzi, Federica Sani, Irene Schiavinato, Eulalia Talamo
Mirko Tattarini con Veronica Bogao e Francesco Bonomi
Stefano Dreoni
Relatrice: Giulia Reali / Correlatori: Francesca Polacci, Marco Tognetti
Alessandra Benfatto, Maria Pia Cilenti, Rebecca De Toma, Marco Midun, Ludovica Mosconi, Asia Neri, Martina Ugolini
Prof. Maurizio Galluzzo (coordinamento ISIA Firenze), Prof. Francesco Fumelli (ISIA Firenze - Direttore), Prof.ssa Francesca Bianchi (UNISI - Referente scientifica progetto GEM), Dott.ssa Gozde Yildiz (UNISI - Assegnista di Ricerca), Prof. Carlo Orefice (UNISI), Prof. Sebastiano Roberto (UNISI), Prof. Mario Giampaolo (UNISI)